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Home Events - Club Fit Group Fitness CHEN TAI CHI – Berit Schumann


Mar 15 2025


1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


Paid programming,
Registration Required,

CHEN TAI CHI – Berit Schumann

Chen Tai Chi is based on scholars in ancient China watching the movement of Snake and of Crane, specifically the coiling of snakes and the stability of cranes. Chen’s strikes are derived from the actions of Eagle and Tiger, the Eagle for grasping and the Tiger for rushing. This is why it utilizes combinations of slow and fast movements. Chen combines Northern and Southern Chinese arts with the joint flexibility of the Indian martial arts systems, plus Mongolian wrestling methods. Members of the Chen family were regularly employed as bodyguards of merchants on the Silk Road.
Today, Chen’s main purpose is medicinal. Traditional Chinese medicinal doctors, as well as many orthopedic pain specialists in modern medical practice, prescribe practicing Tai Chi for its curative properties.

Saturday’s 1PM-2PM in Studio 2

4 week session, starting March 1st
Class will meet 3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22)

Special Introductory Pricing
Member: $80
Non-Member: $100

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